Collage of images: Group of people with IDD at a bowling alley with DSPs, man and woman standing together outdoors, and a Georgia Welcomes You road sign.

Legislative & Capitol Update

Legislative Priorities 2024

Direct Support Professional Workforce Crisis

Without significant investment in the Direct Support Professional workforce, people with I/DD and their families will continue to lose access to needed options and resources as providers close.

Addressing this crisis is critical because people with I/DD and their families continue to lose access to needed resources as providers fold due to the DSP staffing crisis. This catastrophe can be stopped by fully funding I/DD services. This will allow providers to increase DSP wages, stabilize services, and serve more Georgians with I/DD. As the workforce is stabilized, it is vital that 2400 individuals are awarded waivers to reduce the current waiting list in a meaningful way. If significant progress is not made now, the waiting list for services will always exist.

Full Funding: SPADD recommends that that the DBHDD I/DD rate study be fully funded in its entirety, not in piecemeal and not in phases. Almost none of the current rates have ever been studied and determined valid. It is time we make commitment to fund the actual costs of supporting this population.

Download the 2024 Legislative Flyer to share with your networks and state legislators. Stay tuned to SPADD Member Communications for more advocacy opportunities.